Marketing During An Economic Downturn

Mar 5, 2009
We're seeing lots of questions on blogs, tweets and mainstream media reports about how the current economic downturn is going to impact marketing. The impact on our daily newspapers in virtually every major market in America has been well documented. (According to eMarketer, US newspaper ad revenues are expected to drop 42.5% in the next seven years.) Marketing budgets are being slashed, yet the pressure to increase revenue is only more intense and marketing executives are feeling the heat.

Marketing Sherpa has put together a great overview that analyzes how marketing departments across the country are dealing with the challenges of marketing during an economic downturn. 30% of those surveyed reported that they plan to increase direct marketing investments as a result of the current economic conditions, including specific increases in direct mail, event marketing and telemarketing. As one survey respondent said, "Heavier investing in direct mail and online is working well since many competitors are reducing marketing investments, and our collective share of voice is increasing our sales".

Traditional media, on the other hand, is not going to fare as well. 59% of respondents reported a planned decrease in budgets for TV and radio while 44% plan a print advertising decrease.

If you are looking for more measurable marketing options, direct mail is a great way to target former customers and those prospects who are most likely to become new customers. is currently helping our customers explore building lists of new prospects based on analysis of current customer databases. We're also helping customers explore personalized message targeting utilizing variable printing and PURLs to differentiate from the competition and increase ROI tracking and measurement.


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