- Gmail Kini Mendukung Pemakaian Offline!

Jan 28, 2009
Hingga hari ini, salah satu kekurangan terbesar Gmail adalah Anda tidak dapat membaca/menulis email saat tidak memiliki koneksi internet, fitur yang telah dimiliki Zoho Mail sejak akhir tahun lalu. Hari ini, semuanya berubah. Gmail telah mulai merilis Gmail dengan fitur Google Gears melalui Gmail Labs. Seperti biasa, peluncuran fitur oleh Google dilakukan secara bertahap jadi apabila Anda belum melihat fitur ini di Gmail Labs, Anda harus sabar menunggu, perilisan fitur ini ke semua pengguna diperkirakan akan selesai sebelum akhir minggu ini.

Setelah menginstal Google Gears untuk browser favorit Anda, Gears akan mampu mendeteksi konektivitas internet Anda. Gears akan menyimpan email Anda secara lokal agar dapat dibaca, melakukan pencarian, memberi star kepada email, bahkan membuka attachment. Tetapi ada juga beberapa fitur yang tidak berfungsi tanpa koneksi internet seperti spellcheck dan walaupun Anda masih dapat membuka attachment, versi saat ini tidak memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan attachment (fitur ini akan segera ditambahkan).

Google Gears merupakan komponen kunci dari strategi aplikasi berbasis web Google. Todd Jackson, product manager Gmail mengatakan kepada TechCrunch bahwa "visi jangka panjang kami adalah menjadikan browser platform ideal untuk mengoperasikan semua tipe aplikasi. Kami berpendapat semua aplikasi terbaik seharusnya dioperasikan di dalam browser. Secara tradisi kemampuan ini masih terkekang oleh ketersediaan koneksi internet."

Dengan tersedianya Offline Gmail, koneksi internet kini sudah tidak menjadi keterbatasan lagi!

Update: kunjungi halaman ini untuk membaca pengumuman resmi Google tentang Offline Gmail. Dalam artikel tersebut, mereka juga mengatakan bahwa mereka "akan menyediakan fitur ini untuk semua pengguna Gmail di US dan UK dalam beberapa hari ke depan," saya harap para pengguna Gmail internasional juga akan mendapatkan fitur ini sebentar lagi.
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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 Has Support for Intel Core i7

Jan 27, 2009
Red Hat, Inc., the world's leading provider of Open Source solutions, announced yesterday, January 20th, the immediate availability of the third update for their Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 operating system. Besides the usual bug fixes and software updates, the most important features brought by Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 are: better virtualization performance for the 64-bit architectures, support for the new Intel Core i7 (Nehalem) processors and the inclusion of the OpenJDK next-generation Java technology.

"Further strengthening our long-standing relationship with Red Hat, we have collaborated to make the newly available Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 operating platform run great on Intel Xeon processor-based platforms," said Doug Fisher,
vice president of the Intel Software and Services Group, and general manager of the Systems Software Division in the press release. "Together, the compelling combination of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 and Intel's current and future Intel Xeon processor-based servers enable customers to run the most demanding, business-critical workloads on high-performance, cost-effective, reliable platforms."

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 updates various packages, such as audit 1.7.7, wpa_supplicant 0.5.10, NetworkManager 0.7.0, dbus-glib 0.73.8 or sudo 1.6.9; and drivers, such as scsi_dh, scsi-target-utils and MPT Fusion.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) distribution is somehow targeted more to the commercial market, including mainframes, which enjoy a 7-year support on Red Hat's behalf after its release. New versions of RHEL are released quite fast and thus, users can upgrade their current version to the newest release free of charge. Red Hat distributed four versions of RHEL: RHEL AS (Advanced Server), RHEL ES (edge, economy or entry-level server), RHEL WS (workstation) and Red Hat Desktop. Existing RHEL customers will be able to download the updated ISO images or the updates from the Red Hat Networks website. New RHEL users can download a 30-day trial edition from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Evaluation Program website, after registering.

"With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3, Red Hat has once again delivered a rich set of features, developed through rapid innovation with the open source community, that can increase the capability and drive down the cost of customers' Information Technology," said Scott Crenshaw, vice president of the Platform Business Unit at Red Hat. "With the challenge to carve costs out of IT budgets, the flexibility, reliability and simplicity of an Enterprise Linux subscription has more value to customers than ever. Our customers have access to all the features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3 today."
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This is like Microsoft Office 14 Views

Jan 22, 2009
JAKARTA, THURSDAY - operating system (sisop) latest Microsoft, Windows 7, reaching a new beta version. Sisop addition, Microsoft also set up a new office suite. While waiting with anxious hope-hope, let us see the results of spying will be a new version of Microsoft Office that was undertaken by a site.

Changes in Office 14 (the code name so authorized, it is reported to avoid the number 13 is considered unlucky), probably will not seradikal Office 2007. From what is displayed, Office 14 to use the Ribbon style interface with Outlook and Visio at the end of the beneficiaries. Own looks slim. Estimated the first beta will be released in May on the future.

Curious to know what form such as Office 14? This is the result of spying, which are presented by a Russian site wzor.
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Music Player and Download Manager

With all the fast ways of listening to music nowadays, presenting an audio player that practically pins the user in front of the computer would seem a bit outdated; especially with Winamp providing a batch of radios covering every music genre out there. But there is software for every user's needs and some just feel the urge to download what they have just listened to in the audio player. Kinda like a radio that lets you transfer the music on your computer.

Music Tuner offers exactly that. At its roots it is an audio player but integrated features such as a web browser or a download manager make it something more than just a means of playing music. It comes in two versions: standard and pro; the former is free to use as long as you are okay with a short list of limitations while the latter is a full-featured edition giving access to all the functionalities of the software and comes for a $10 fee.

The application brings to the table a customizable and easy to use GUI at the bottom of which you have some basic controls for the audio player and some details on the playing tune. The main application window provides a set of four menus for you to search for music online, access the local music library, navigate the Internet via the built-in web browser or see the currently transferring files.

The Music Search section allows you to search for music and all found results will be displayed in the right-hand screen. In the limited free version of the application there will not be more than 20 entries, which, in some cases, may be more than enough, depending on the popularity of the file. For each of the displayed results there will be a brief list of details (such as title of the song and the URL it was retrieved from) right above the player controls.

The nice part about MusicTuner is that it permits adding all query results to a playlist and listen to the songs online. The empty side of the glass is that there aren't too many options to manipulate the list. For instance, there isn't a way to move items in the playlist. The only “ordering” you can make is by shuffling them.

Also, multiple selection is not supported; neither in the playlist nor in the search result query. Still on the downside, MusicTuner will not offer a function to save a playlist formed by online items.

Music Search provides more options at the right click of the mouse. For the query results there is the possibility to google the lyrics of the selected song, search for a band on Wikipedia or download the tune. The playlist area makes available a different set of functions, which include playing the selected song, removing it from the playlist, rename it, download it, playing all the songs, copying the URL or shuffling them.

Creating a playlist with files stored locally requires adding the music location to the Settings window of the application, which is pretty arid in options because the other one is to provide the default save folder for downloaded media. Once these two options are configured the application will load the Local Library elements as soon as it is restarted.

From this list you can create another playlist, which can be saved on the computer as long as the items composing it are stored locally. It will not be saved at the next launch of the software.

Just like in the case of the Music Search tab, you can change the color of the text and that of the background. However, when it comes to the Local Library, the functions are inverted and attempting to modify the text color will have effect on the background and vice versa.

Moving onward to the next tab, a web browser awaits. It has nothing more than the address bar, the Go button, and the Back and Forward commands. Of course, the web-specific options in the context menu are available. Primitive, but if you only need a quick peek at some web address it will get the job done.

The Download Manager displays all song transfer jobs started in the Music Search tab. You can add multiple jobs and the app will deal with all of them at once copying the media to the user-set location. There is no alert for the completion of the download but it will display the progress of the activity in percentage.

MusicTuner handles great despite the fact that it comes with a quite large wishlist and there are a few bugs to be corrected. The simplicity of the interface makes the entire application easy to use by any type of users. However, there is much to be added in order to become closer to what's already pushed on the market as standard audio players.

The Good

The developer did a wonderful job with creating a simple yet effective interface that does not pose any trouble to users, regardless of their computer skills.

It allows you to look for music online, stream it on your computer and even download the files. You can create multiple playlists from locally-stored music.

The download manager can deal with multiple transfer tasks at once providing you with progress bars for all the jobs.

The Bad

MusicTuner benefits from a shabby build that does not present too many options. Users cannot move files up and down in the playlist or perform multiple selections.

There is no search function inside a playlist and the audio controls available lack the ability to repeat the playing of the list once the final item is reached.

Some details about the quality of the found files would also be nice to have, but considering that these can be downloaded for free that's not such a biggie.

Playlists in the Music Search tab cannot be saved for later auditions and those under Local Library are not preserved until the next launch of the application.

Viewing the newly-added files to the music location folder requires restarting the program as there is no refresh function present.

In Local Library changing the color of the background will have effect on the text and vice versa.

The Truth

MusicTuner needs plenty of improvement and lacks some basic options a standard player includes by default. Some of the files may not work and the pool for gathering the results is not extraordinarily big but the files that can be streamed can be downloaded to your computer with no problem.

During our testing we encountered some fake files so you'd better check the file first and then download it.

Although $10 is not that high of a price, the features included in the application do not justify the amount. There are plenty of details to include in order to make a user pay up. Luckily there is the free version, which is not too limited for testing.
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- Virus Bikin Militer Inggris Porak Poranda

Jan 19, 2009
London - Militer Inggris porak poranda. Para tentara dari negeri Ratu Elizabeth itu memang tidak sedang diserang militer negara lain, melainkan mengalami serbuan virus komputer.

Sistem komputer militer Inggris langsung diobrak-abrik. Dilansir BBC, terjangan virus yang dikatakan 'super' itu menyasar sistem komunikasi militer, melumpuhkan sistem e-mail dan internet.

Baik Angkatan Laut, Angkatan Udara dan Angkatan Darat Inggris harus terkena efek terjangan virus yang tidak disebutkan namanya ini. Sementara ribuan komputer di Kementerian Pertahanan Inggris juga terpaksa dimatikan.

Sedikitnya 24 basis Angkatan Udara dan beberapa kapal Angkatan Laut terkena efek serangan. Adapun Angkatan Udara Inggris harus menunda latihan udaranya untuk sementara waktu.

Untungnya, seperti dilansir The Sun dan dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (17/1/2009), virus tersebut gagal menjangkau sistem 'top secret'. Asal usul virus yang sulit dijinakkan itu masih menjadi misteri.

"Sebuah virus telah teridentifikasi dalam beberapa sistem. Tidak ada data penting berada dalam risiko," kata juru bicara Kementerian Pertahanan Inggris yang menolak menjelaskan detail virus tersebut lebih lanjut.

Sharing info soal keamanan komputer? Gabung di detikINET Forum!
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- Waduh! Dalam 24 Jam, Worm 'Lahap' 1 Juta PC

Jakarta - Sungguh mencengangkan, hanya dalam tempo 24 jam, sebuah worm yang mengeksploitasi bug Windows 'melahap' lebih dari satu juta PC Windows

Dikutip detikINET dari Techworld, Senin (19/1/2009), perusahaan keamanan Finlandia, F-Secure, memperkirakan bahwa jumlah PC yang diserang worm bernama "Downadup" itu kini meningkat dari jumlah sebelumnya 2,4 juta menjadi 3,5 juta.

Menurut beberapa perusahaan keamanan, worm yang juga disebut "Conficker"

ini mengeksploitasi sebuah bug di layanan Windows Server yang digunakan semua versi pendukung sistem operasi Microsoft, seperti Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003 dan Server 2008.

Peningkatan dramatis jumlah PC yang terinfeksi "Downadup" ini mendorong Microsoft menambahkan deteksi worm untuk Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT), yakni piranti anti malware Microsoft.

Dilaporkan, jumlah infeksi terbesar terjadi di Amerika Serikat, Kanada, Meksiko, Korea, dan beberapa negara Eropa, termasuk Inggris, Prancis dan Jerman. ( faw / fyk )
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- IE8 Final Looking Like a March 2009 (or Post-March 2009) Release

Jan 18, 2009
If you are holding your breath while waiting for the successor of IE7, feel free to exhale at any time because Microsoft is by no means in any hurry to deliver the RTW (release to web) version of Internet Explorer 8. In fact, a recent move from the Redmond company reveals that the gold release of IE8 might come as late as over a year after the launch of the Beta 1 build, if not even later. Of course, with no official confirmation, anticipating the final release of IE8 is nothing short of examining chicken entrails. However, the Redmond company does provide indications pointing to the availability of Internet Explorer 8 closer to, or even well into, the second quarter of 2009. The giant is offering free and unlimited support for issues related to the deployment and usage of pre-released versions of IE8. Although the official help and support is currently focused on Windows Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 (All Languages), Microsoft does emphasize that pre-released versions of the browser are in fact supported, and not just the second Beta. Up to this point in time the company has promised to support development milestones of IE8 until March 31, 2009.

“Free unlimited installation and usage support is available for Internet Explorer 8 pre-released versions, but only for North America English customers. This support for Internet Explorer 8 pre-released versions is valid until March 31st, 2009. Advanced issues are not supported. Advanced issues include, but are not limited to, problems that are associated with software and hardware development, domain connectivity, server-based technologies, Web site development, and business-critical systems,” the message on the page reads, as you can very well see from the adjacent image.

The initial deadline for the IE8 pre-RTW support cut-off date was November 1, 2008. In mid-November, Microsoft pushed the date forward to December 31, 2008. Furthermore, just ahead of the start of 2009, support for IE8 pre-RTW was extended until the end of March 2009.

IE8 pre-released versions support
Enlarge picture
Moving onward from IE8 Beta, the software giant delivered the IE8 pre-RCPartner Release and confirmed that it was gearing up for one more public development milestone build at the start of 2009. With IE8 Release Candidate planned for availability early next year, it is clear that the RTW launch is being pushed forward well into 2009. In accordance with the new March 31, 2009 end-of-support date for pre-released versions of the browser, the final version of Internet Explorer 8 is bound to hit by the end of March 2009 at the earliest, but it could slip even later into 2009. However, one crucial aspect has to be taken into consideration. Between March 18 – 20, 2009, Microsoft will hold its MIX09 web-centric conference in Las Vegas. Last year, at MIX08 the Redmond company introduced Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1. This year, MIX09 could be synonymous with the RTW of Internet Explorer 8. Earlier this month I contacted Microsoft in relation to its plans for IE8.

“In regard to your questions, we will release one more public update of Internet Explorer 8 in the first quarter of 2009, and then follow that up with the final release. Our timeline is driven by the quality of the product. Microsoft is deliberate in our approach to releasing new products and we feel a strong obligation to our customers to do so in a responsible manner that ensures they are getting the safest, most reliable product possible,” a Microsoft spokesperson stated for Softpedia. (Jack - thanks for the heads up on this one)

For the time being, Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) Beta 2 is available for download here.
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World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King

Jan 10, 2009
Just what is it about World of Warcraft that keeps 11 million subscribers enthralled? And why has the arrival of a mere expansion pack caused more excitement than the launch of any blockbuster on PS3… or Wii Music for that matter?! We’ve got five reasons to help you understand.

Reason No1: The world is beautiful, incredible even. Northrend with its spectacular ice-hewn architecture and fabulous new beasts has been meticulously realised. You feel like a kid rampaging in newly fallen snow, but then there’s also that sense of foreboding because you are so very close to the source of the Scourge. Northrend is more than just a pretty picture… it artistically embodies the drama within.

Reason No2: The new hero class offers another tantalising way in to World of Warcraft for newcomers, while offering a magnificent new class for seasoned players to explore: Death Knight. This guy is arguably the character many players secretly desired from the beginning, a great all-rounder who can cast spells just as readily as he can fight toe-to-toe. Before the Death Knight you had to choose one of the extremes. He’s powerful to begin with, starting at Level 55, and looks magnificent all dressed in dark armoured plates, but the real treat is Death Knight’s story. We won’t spoil it for you, but there are shades of Darth Vader in there. Gobsmacking!

Reason No3: All character classes can learn talents such as new spells or class-specific skills, so nobody can moan about characters being unbalanced any more. A friend of ours compared Lich King to Street Fighter II Champion Edition… which is rather obtuse, but basically means that all the characters have been balanced out to enable surprising victories or defeats in skirmishes between familiar adversaries.

Reason No4: The new ‘Inscription’ profession makes you everybody’s best friend, even if only at Level 1. The Inscription profession gives characters the ability to enchant items or abilities, and so even a 5% ‘buff’ to, say, your running speed is considered useful. Now you can create a legendary weapon or suit of armour, just like in favourite books or movies. There’s a real sense of fantasy to Wrath of the Lich King; that your actions are contributing to an evolving tale.

Reason No5: If the last time you checked you were perturbed by quests that involved nothing more than killing ‘x’ amount of specific creatures, or collecting ‘y’ number of a particular thing, look again. Quests in Wrath of the Lich King are more akin to the story-driven tasks in traditional console role-playing games, they’ve caused everyone in WoW to scratch their heads in wonderment. Again this ought to appeal to a wider audience who’d prefer to avoid ‘grinding’ out results to level up characters. The new Quest mechanic also introduces something called ‘phasing’ which means that certain events that are specific to your quest are not visible to other players – for example a cauldron that gives birth to Scourge minions. In other words, you won’t be forming an orderly line to slay the exact some Orcs as everyone else – which looks stupid.

In summary, World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King really cements its place as the provider of something for everyone. Sure EA's Warhammer offers extensive Player Versus Player options, but this also means the overall experience isn’t balanced. In WoW, everyone can approach the adventure according to your real-world preferences as a human being. And as a friend of ours is fond of saying, WoW never lets you down.
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Civilization IV: Colonization Ships

Jan 5, 2009

2K Games today announced that Firaxis Games' Civilization IV: Colonization, a “complete reimagining of the 1994 classic, Colonization” for Windows PCs, has now shipped ahead of its September 26 release.

"The decade-long groundswell of fan enthusiasm around Colonization was the driving force behind our decision to make a new version for today's gamers," said Sid Meier, Director of Creative Development at Firaxis Games.

"The terrific community support for the game, coupled with the opportunity to design a new edition using our Civilization IV engine, made it the right time to create this title for loyal fans and everyone else who loves great strategy games."

Supported by the Civilization IV engine, Colonization boasts improved graphics, a new interface, improved diplomacy options, and modding tools.
Sep 24, 2008

News by Karn Bianco.

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Download the First Windows 7 Beta/RTM Official Security Solutions

Just ahead of the public Beta of Windows 7, Microsoft has started recommending security solutions that can be integrated with the next iteration of its Windows client even at this early stage in the platform's development. The first products designed to protect users running Windows 7 Beta come from Kaspersky and AVG, according to the Redmond company, which have promised to work with ISVs in order to produce security software compatible with Windows Vista's successor since 2008. In this context, when it comes down to bulletproofing Windows 7, AVG and Kaspersky are ahead of the rest of the security industry with AVG Internet Security 8.0, AVG Anti-Virus 8.0, and the Technical Preview of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows 7, respectively.

“Before you install antivirus software, check to make sure you don't already have an antivirus product on your computer. If you do, be sure to remove the product you don't want before you install the new one. It can cause problems on your computer to have two different antivirus products installed at the same time,” a message from Microsoft explains.

Back in 2006, months ahead of Vista's commercial launch, comments from Jim Allchin, the then-co-president, Platforms & Services Division, were interpreted as a recommendation that the upcoming Windows client could be run without the use of security software. Allchin subsequently clarified the issue and Microsoft emphasized repeatedly the need for Vista users to integrate anti-malware products with the operating system. With Windows 7, the Redmond company has got an early start on getting them to secure their platforms, even if the operating system has yet to reach RTM stage.

AVG is offering both AVG Internet Security 8.0, and AVG Anti-Virus 8.0 for Win7. “Welcome, Windows 7 user,” a message on the company's website reads, just above an invitation to “get Windows 7 protection” and the information that AVG has been tailored to MS Windows 7. According to the security outfit, the company's products deliver protection against viruses, spyware, rootkits, spam, but also offer Firewall and secure Internet surfing, searching, downloads, and instant messaging communications.

At the same time, the Technical Preview Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft Windows 7 comes to the table with antivirus capabilities, and additonally with an anti-spam filter and firewall. “At the heart of the new technical prototype is Kaspersky Lab’s new antivirus engine, which is even more effective at detecting malicious programs than its predecessor. The new engine dramatically increases system scanning speed, thanks to improved processing of objects and optimized use of system resources, particularly on dual- and quad-core processor platforms. The unique product architecture ensures high productivity and one of the lowest uses of system resources in the industry. The technical preview includes a highly effective heuristic analyzer. The heuristic analyzer detects and blocks as yet unknown malicious programs,” Kaspersky reveals.

AVG Antivirus Professional 8.0 is available for download here.

AVG Internet Security 8.0 is available for download here.

Technical Preview Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Microsoft Windows 7 is available for download here.
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AMD to Launch Dragon at CES 2009

Advanced Micro Devices is known to plan on launching its 45nm Phenom II processors at CES 2009, which is set to take place between January 8th and January 11th in Las Vegas. At about the same time the chip manufacturer is reported to also launch its entire Dragon platform. According to news on the web, the Sunnyvale company will launch the AM3 platform with DDR3 support for Dragon at a later date window.As already reported, Dragon will include AMD's 790GX/FX chipset and Radeon HD 4800 series cards. It seems that this will not be the only platform AMD is planning to introduce next year. The company will also unveil its Leo platform by the end of 2009, which is also said to be based on the 45nm Deneb core. According to the news, the platform will get upgraded chipsets, namely RD890, RS880D with SB800, and will also feature a new graphics core.

There are not many details on the graphics solution the company will include with the platform, yet there are some voices that say it should be something more than a new 40nm card, one that would feature DirectX11 support. It seems that Leo (Lion) is the platform AMD will have on display throughout 2010, and also the one that would go with the upcoming Windows 7.

As for AMD's plans in the 40nm area with its next-generation graphics cards, we already learned that it managed to tape out the RV740, which would come as its first graphics solution under the new fabrication process. While this is a mainstream part, AMD's graphics division ATI is also rumored to plan a new RV770, which would come after RV740.

At this moment, ATI's Radeon HD 4870 has lost the performance crown in favor of NVIDIA, which re-launched the GTX 260 and also came up with a better driver release. Since the RV740 is reported to come as mainstream card, until the RV770, a performance board, makes its appearance, NVIDIA might remain on the leading position.
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EVGA Updates GeForce GTX 260 Cards with 55nm GPU

Jan 1, 2009
EVGA is certainly known as one of NVIDIA's largest board partners, which is why it comes as no surprise that this graphics card vendor has recently updated its range of new GT200-based products. Users and fans are now able to upgrade to one of the newest graphics cards on the market, the 55nm-based GeForce GTX 260, which EVGA has provided in three different flavors, coming to deliver the support required by even the most enthusiast game player.

As some of you already know, the GeForce GTX 260 has suffered a series of modifications, since it was initially released, alongside the higher-performance GTX 280. At first, the card was featured with just 196 shader cores, which were later maxed out to a total of 216, consequently increasing the level of performance achieved by the card. With the new GPU, NVIDIA has transitioned the technology to the new 55nm manufacturing process, thus allowing more room for the overclocking capabilities of the card, so we might see an even higher performance increase from this GT200-equipped GeForce card.

Regarding EVGA's updated line of GeForce GTX 260 graphics cards, users can now acquire a standard and two factory overclocked versions of the aforementioned card. The standard model boasts a 576MHz core speed, 1998MHz memory clock speed and 1242MHz shader core clock. The Superclocked and the SSC (SuperSuper Clocked) models boast speeds of 626Mhz/2106MHz/1350MHz and 675MHz/2304MHz/1458MHz, respectively.

If the performance specifications aren't enough for you, take into consideration that EVGA can't provide you with a lifetime warranty for each of the cards, once you have registered them. Price wise, these cards will cost you $259.99, $269.99 and $289.99, for the GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 (55nm), GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked and GTX 260 Core 216 SSC, respectively.
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